This November sees the WWE universe invade Britain once again. WWE's Smackdown and RAW shows comes to Britain packed with household names and new stars. Expect drama, spectacular fights and interesting storylines...
Current battles in Smackdown include Rey Mysterio confronting CM Punk and the massive Batista blazing a trail through the show’s cast. In the thick of the Smackdown action is also Jack Swagger the new world champion, Edge, Chris Jericho and WWE legend and superstar, the intimidating Undertaker who recently ended fellow legend Shawn Michael’s career in typical spectacular fashion. A man with ties to the UK is David Hart-Smith, relative of the UK’s ‘British Bulldog’, the late Davey Boy Smith.
The other half of WWE is RAW. Famous for having guest hosts every week the show has featured Donald Trump and recently David Hasselhoff among those calling the shots. ‘The Hof’ recently called the shots when the show successfully staged an event in London.
Stars in RAW include John Cena the current WWE champion, ‘The Big Show’, Randy Orton and a man that needs no introduction, Triple H. Also among RAW's stars is Ted DiBiase Jr whose father is the legendary Million Dollar Man.
*Words by Christian Nehls.
The WWE hits the UK for the following dates:
November 2010 - WWE Raw
5th Cardiff International Arena
6th LG Arena, Birmingham
7th Trent FM Arena, Nottingham
8th Manchester Evening News Arena
9th The O2 Arena, London
November 2010 - WWE Smackdown
6th Liverpool Echo Arena
7th Braehead Arena, Glasgow
8th Newcastle Metro Radio Arena
9th Manchester Evening News Arena
Tickets are available from 9am on Saturday 17th April.
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