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Father John Misty at Birmingham Moseley Park131 fans have viewed Father John Misty tickets today!
Father John Misty—real name Josh Tillman—is an indie rock and folk singer-songwriter from Rockville, Maryland.
Father John Misty will be performing 1 event in Birmingham on Saturday 30th August 2025 at the Moseley Park. Set Country & Currency
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Staying the night in Birmingham? Find somewhere near Birmingham's Moseley Park for this Father John Misty show. Explore your options on the map above and Book Your (Fully Refundable) Concert Hotel Today!
Address: Birmingham Moseley Park, 93B Alcester Rd, Birmingham, B13 8DD This historic park, with some 300 years of history, is run by a charitable trust. The Park was originally a major part of the gardens of the Moseley Hall estate which were designed by the famous landscape gardener Humphry Repton. In 2006 a Charitable Trust was created in order to ensure that the Park is restored with a view to preserving it as a place where people can relax and enjoy themselves and children and schools can use it for educational purposes. Its popularity continues to grow not only within Birmingham, but also nationally as a result of the continuing success of the Jazz and Folk festivals.Telephone: 0121 442 4499 |